Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Peeters mum and dad.

During the Easter 1990, my life was in complete rack and ruin. 6 months before that, I gave birth to my dying baby on 29.9.1989.  I buried in on 25th November.

Nelly Peeter's son Steve must have noticed how awful I was. He spoke to Nelly.

I never forgot the life saver Nelly was to me. She threw me a life line, sharing her recent loss of her husband in Jan 1990. One night, Nelly sat me down, and we talked.

The holiday brought me back to my senses, I have my 2 girls and my husband who needed me.

I didn't see Nelle again because we went to Singapore. I will always look out for white butterflies. One of the would be Nelly.

A White butterfly,
In Japan,
it symbolizes the soul of a departed one.
Andrew's soul was with me. 

1 comment:

  1. Losing loved ones is painful and living life and grieving simultaneously can be difficult ~ so glad Nelly was there for you ~ be well and I too shell see the white butterflies ~ thanks, carol
    artmusedog and carol
