I did a blogpost on this and this is a followup.
More than 1800 people have signed an online petition voicing unhappiness at the wording of a question which they believe ignores babies who have died in the womb.
The petition has already prompted Statistics New Zealand to concede the question could have been better drafted and to promise increased consultation before the next Census.
"Mothers who have had a stillborn regularly report distress when asked how many children they have in social situations," said Dr Cathy Buntting, chairperson of Sands. "Now, in the national Census, they face the same upsetting predicament.
The petition has drawn criticism from people on a popular Trade Me internet forum about parenting. They think it is an over-reaction by some to the Census question. I like to ask all those in the Trade me Internet forum, how many of you who criticised actually have lost a child, or have a family member or a close friend who were bereaved. If you never have, who are to to say we over-reacted.
My son was born alive, but he died shortly after. Often, Officialdom have told me to disregard him. He's my son, he grew inside me for 40 weeks, and I nursed him until his death. If people say he doesn't exist, it is plainly disregarding a parent's feelings.
Shame on you Trade me to even have a thread on this.
Yes, I am over-reacting, and Yes, I am not ashamed to tell people I had a baby and he died. You can gasp as much as you like.
Display of my book Diary of a bereaved Mother, goodbye my baby's display.
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