Deborah drew this when Andrew was dying in the ICU. She drew another, but I can't find it. In deed, it remains in my heart. Andrew 29 Sept to 22 November 1989
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Judy Lancaster-Bowen
Forever In My Heart Art Exhibition
In memory of: Tainn Lancaster-Bowen
The Peacock Gallery is hosting a new exhibition by bereaved parents who suffer the loss of a baby entitled Forever In My Heart.
The exhibition is open to the public from the 30 January – 5 February 2013 and is located in the Peacock Gallery, Upton Country Park, Poole. See their website for more information and directions (
The exhibition was the idea of Judy Lancaster-Bowen, a bereaved mother, whose first baby, Tainn, was stillborn in on the 16 July 2008. Judy says: “I would like to hold this exhibition in honour of all the babies we have lost and to let other parents know that they are not alone in their eternal grief for their children, and somehow offer them some strength and solace through the artwork.”
I am inviting parents, siblings, relatives and friends to submit any artwork that you may have done or are inspired to create in memory of your baby. Artwork may be in any form – paintings, drawings, photographs, sculpture, poems, writing, music, songs, or films.
We would also like to exhibit art done by children, which we will display at a child-friendly height. So are also inviting siblings to create a picture for their baby brother or sister.
We would like to devote a space in the gallery of hand and footprints, often the only marks left by our precious little ones. So if you would like to submit these for the exhibition, would you please scan and/or photograph these so that we can print them off with your baby’s name and relevant dates.
Please submit artwork for the FOREVER IN MY HEART Art Exhibition please e-mail me
We will endeavour to display all artwork submitted. However, the PEDAS committee have requested that as it is a family gallery that the subject should be presented in a sensitive and tasteful way.
A Just Giving account has been set up for this event and all donations will be greatly appreciated ( and will be donated to SPRING (Supporting parents and relatives through baby loss
All the best with your film, Debbie.
Thank you very much
Judy Lancaster-Bowen