This photo is very very special. Andrew was prepped to meet his coroner so that the doctors could learn about this rare syndrome. We were happy from day one when Dr James asked this difficult request.
What we didn't know was Daphne his favourite day nurse had two photos taken with him when he had become an angel. She got the NICU office to pass the two photos to us. She had wanted to take photos of him.
She really loved him. See that little knitted doll. It was a lovely doll knitted by some unknown ladies for babies in intensive care. Deborah chose this doll as my gift to Andrew. Daphne chose this doll for Andrew to play in the heavenly gardens.
Excerpts of my book: chapter 4
One day, Deborah was very excited. Some kind ladies had knitted lots of little dolls for the hospital and left them at the crèche. Andrea told her to bring one bag for Andrew, and one bag for the rest of the little babies in Ward 11A. There were more than 10 dolls in Andrew’s bag. She chose a doll that she wanted to give to Andrew, another for Gabrielle’s gift to Andrew, and finally mine. She chose the one I liked very much. She chose one for herself and one for Gabrielle. Then she confidently went to all the other six nurseries to distribute them to the rest of the ICU babies.
When Andrew died, I asked his nurse if she would pack a doll for him to take it to Heaven, meaning it would be buried with him. I was very happy that Nurse Daphne chose the one that I had given him. She kept the puppy dog, as she knew I wanted to have it back. Whoever those ladies were who knitted the dolls, I wish I could thank them. I hope all the other babies that day survived and took their dolls home.
On 16th December, 2010, Mrs. Nesbitt, one of my British blogging friends, posted photos of knitted dolls of the Nativity scene. She invited readers who wanted the patterns to tell her and she would email to them. One of the dolls was Mary holding Jesus. It looked very similar to the doll I gave to Andrew. I told her I was interested in her patterns, and would explain why I wanted to knit one. She sent them to me the next day. It seems so strange that after 21 years, I get to see a doll that meant so much to me and at the time when I am writing this book.
I am posting this because some very wonderful people have been making dolls, and perhaps feel ambivalent because two of their recipients have become angels.
I posted this reply to their Facebook to lend them their support.
- I felt really compelled to share with them and all mums who have their dolls.
- When my baby Andrew, was very sick , terminal in NICU, some very kind ladies knitted little dolls for Andrew and had a whole bag distributed to the babies in NICU. It is understandable that that Andrew and some of these babies became angels because they were very sick or pre matured . It has nothing to do with the knitted dolls. The dolls gave my surviving children a lot of joy. and a fond memory for myself. Do not stop what you are doing.

Delivering Sock Monkeys to children in hospital throughout New Zealand who have a critical or long term illness. Thank you for helping us make this happen. Liv and Rachelle x
We are all about sharing the love, and doing it as a community...about getting together, to create and gift love....As a Mother of a child that has been in hospital for most of his life, I know how much it means to receive something, that has been given out of love.
Please help us make this dream possible ♥ Liv
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