This evening, I had three heavy stuff. They make my trouble minuscule like a mustard seed. First, it was reading my friend Sarah Numan who wrote Noah's Story.
I knew she lost two other children, Hope -Dominique and
Willow, It was a long post, but I read every word of it, and
gasping and brushing back my tears. Sarah is no ordinary
woman, and she is so involved with Sands. I wrote to tell
her, when I was upset with the doctors for not investigating
further when I was pregnant with Andrew, Olwyn Dickson,
my mentor said, it was better for me not to have known to
go to labour. It would be terrible to go to labour knowing
there is something wrong or your baby was going to die.
That was what Sarah went through.

When we got to my friend's house for our weekly home group Biblestudy, they suggested we listen to Radio Rhema. There was a special talk by a woman Ann (Gimbell Spelling?). Her testimony was she lost 10 babies. Whoa!
I came home, my friend Chang Yi posted on Facebook
I remember the Singer Joni Eareckson Tada. Olwyn's
husband Pastor Don used to preach about Joni.
On July 30, 1967, she dove into Chesapeake Bay after
misjudging the shallowness of the water. She suffered a
fracture between the fourth and fifth cervical levels and
became a quadriplegic, paralysed from the shoulders
When Andrew was dying in ICU, I used to sing this song. I
told myself that if Joni with all her problems could sing this
song, I too should sing this song and really mean it. I
couldn't really mean it, but God brought his angels to sing to
me and stopped me from killing myself.
Who walks with you further when you have a tragedy?
Who holds your hand when you have a tragedy?
Who cries with you when you have a tragedy?
These are strong women, so are you.