emotions. In my book, I had a chapter on how to help
children grieve. This was how 4 1/2 years old Deborah
grieved while waiting her brother die.
Forever In My Heart exhibition which is at the Peacock Art Gallery, Upton Country Park, from 31 January to 4 February 2013.
Judy Lancaster-Bowen
Hello Ann and Deborah,
The Forever in my Heart exhibition is this week and your book and
Deborah's drawings really look so lovely. Thank you so much for
including them in the exhibition. Many people, especially, stop for
quite a while and look and comment on Deborah's drawings. Really
spending the time looking at her Chinese Baby, Andrew, and your family
picture. It does touch my heart each time I see someone standing in
front of her drawings, and that even though it has been a long time
since Andrew passed, you are still able to communicate what was going on
for your family when Andrew was going to be "an angel".
Here is a link to the website where I have uploaded photographs from the exhibition.http://www.foreverinmyheartexhibition.com/134494020
You can also see more photographs on our facebook page:www.facebook.com/foreverinmyheartexhibition
Thank you so much
Forever in my Heart - www.foreverinmyheartexhibition.com
Forever in my Heart - www.foreverinmyheartexhibition.com
Forever in my Heart - www.foreverinmyheartexhibition.com

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