Friday, June 13, 2014

words of bereaved parents

Recently, I met a new bereaved mother whose child had the same syndrome as my Andrew, and lived about the same duration. Then I thought of all the other bereaved parents and wrote this poem.

Lamentation of bereaved parents.

"We put on a big brave face
We go about to work
We do our things daily,
We do bit in the community,
When asked, we lie we are fine.

But deep under,
We are heartbroken.
I saw this broken cherub,
near my mother's grave,
It wasn't at someone's grave stone.
Photo: Recently, I met a new bereaved mother whose child had the same syndrome as my Andrew, and lived about the same duration. Then I thought of all the other bereaved parents and wrote this poem.

Lamentation of bereaved parents.

"We put on a big brave face
We go about to work 
We do our things daily,
We do bit in the community,
When asked, we lie we are fine.

But deep under,
We are heartbroken.
I saw this broken cherub,
near my mother's grave,
It wasn't any someone's grave stone.."

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